By using our products, you agree with the following terms of use.
We are not responsible for any damage that may be caused to the ultimate user in case of using unlicensed copies of our digital products or content, or due to misuse of our software, including incidents of full or partial incompatibility with the hardware and software part that the ultimate user has.
We are also not liable for damage that may be caused by the use of our digital products or content, subject to any factors that may limit or prohibit such use, even if these factors do not preclude the use of the relevant software (are warnings, recommendations, etc.)
In some software products, we use a system that allows users to exchange short text messages (alternative names are chat system, chat).
Users are fully responsible for the content of the messages they send.
We reserve the right to block users in case of violation of rules and requirements for outgoing text messages separately established for a particular product, or to block at the moderator’s discretion without explicit violation of the rules and requirements for outgoing messages, thus preventing the use of separate subjects of the text messaging system.
The support service provides information and assistance exclusively to users of our products. The main communication channel with the Support Service is email.
The support service does not provide assistance in configuring devices, operating systems or other ultimate-user software, nor does it provide information about third-party software or content.
The support service reserves the right to deny service to individual users, or to discontinue their services at the operator’s discretion.
All incoming requests (in case of their successful delivery) are considered within 3 working days.